Michaud Reacts to President's Veto of Health, Education, and Labor Funding Bill

Press Release

Date: Nov. 13, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

Michaud Reacts to President's Veto of Health, Education, and Labor Funding Bill

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Mike Michaud released the following statement after President Bush vetoed the Labor-Health-Education Appropriations bill this morning:

"Through this bipartisan bill, Congress made smart investments in health care, education, job training, and home heating assistance. I am disappointed that the President vetoed this important legislation. I am especially disappointed that he used fiscal responsibility as a justification for his veto at the same time he is seeking an additional $200 billion to fund the War in Iraq for another year. The hypocrisy of his veto will not be lost on the American people. It's time for the President to back away from this political posturing and work with the Congress so that we can resolve our differences and move forward responsibly."
